Tuesday, March 10, 2009

modest fashion week

So not sure who all even looks at this, but I found a really neat site about modesty. I know in Baptist circles there are so many different definitions of modesty. It needs to be between you and the Lord. But I found this website, and this week it's modesty fashion week, click on the picture above or http://sahmissionary.blogspot.com/, read the notes from this past week. I am not saying I agree with everything, but it's such a good message and good thoughts to think about. Many things you may know, but it's always good to rethink your wardrobe. On this site, there is a guest post with a modesty checklist, http://girltalk.blogs.com/girltalk/files/modesty_heart_check3.pdf. I loved one thing in particular that I read, even though we may be stay at home--mothers, wives, or just a woman, our dressing should always reflect the Lord. As someone meantioned, the Proverbs 31 woman, had so many attributes, but what she wore was also included. She dressed like a princess to the King of Kings. Every morning when we get up and get dressed for the day, do we dress like we are princesses? I don't mean jewels and silks, although that would be awesome, but spending time on how we look. Unless we are painting or cleaning, dressing nice should be the norm, and it can be comfortable! I am just thinking about times when I just throw on whatever and go shopping, but honestly what are the people out there seeing? A princess? I guess I really never thought about it in this way, putting on some lipstick, or a nice shirt, can go a long way, then my running out in jeans and a junky sweater. Now we are all human and things happen, we won't always be able to do this, but even just trying can go a long way. As I type this I realize that it's time to get out of my pjs, and get dressed! I am going to go out today knowing that I am a princess and my father is the greatest King that's ever lived!


Autumn and Mike said...

I really enjoyed reading this post Molly! You are right about the modesty issue! Thanks for being a great example!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Great post! We are doing split sessions on Wednesday nights now and the theme for our girls is "Daughters of the Kingdom". Our youth pastor's wife is doing a couple sessions on modesty and it has been really good. I forwarded the website you posted and she really like it. It really goes well with what she is talking about! It's so true, sometimes we think if we're not in "full-time ministry" we don't have to be careful about the way we dress, but as Christians we should be.
Thanks for the post! Holly Myers

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....are you preaching to me? I think you have some really good thoughts here. How do you compare the virtuous woman adorned in silk and purple with I Timothy 2 (When Paul says "not with jewels or costly array...")?

Anonymous said...

We should not draw attention to ourselves with jewels and costly array. We can wear jewelry and nice clothes(look nice and put together) but not overdo it(the word "modest" in verse 9 means "limited or moderate in amount", or "free from showy extravagance". That should not be the first thing or the only thing that people notice about us. It should be the inner beauty that is attractive. In the Bible days the prostitutes in the temples would go all out and deck themselves in tons of jewels on their neck and big hair things to bring attention to their bodies. I know you were prob asking Molly, but we have just been going over this in youth group and I've been studying it myself..it's very interesting. Holly =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, Mol! I'll have to check out the site. If you ever get convicted about all your jewels, just send them to me. :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment, Holly. It was helpful to me.