Copps/PickNSave Deals
- Pillsbury Dinner Rolls, Crusty French Loaf, Bread Sticks, or Pizza Crust, are on sale B1G1 there are a number of coupons out there, some for 25c or 35c off 1, or a IP for 50c off of 2, advertisement says save up to $2.69. So doubled it may be great.
Nabisco Oreo Cookies, Nilla Wafters, or Honey Maid Graham Crackers 2/$5, there is a IP for 75c, again doubled is the best way to work this. Makes these $1
Pillsbury Ready to Bake cookies, are 2$5, there is a coupon out there for $1 off 2 so doubled makes them $1.50 each, which is pretty good, they make a 24 cookies
Quaker Simple Harvest, True Delight, or Chewy High Fiber Omega 3 Bars are on sale for 2/$5 there are IP and regular coupons for $1 off one box. Doubled makes them 50c a box!!
Buy 1 Dole 2lb of Blueberries at regular price and get a Roundy's 1 pint ice cream free. There is a 75c coupon out there, it may not be worth it but it's a try! :-)
Kellog's Cereal 12-20 oz 3/$9 there are IP Frosted Flakes for $1, there is also 70c off of any Kellog's Cereal. Doubled would make this a great deal because you get a coupon for 1 free gallon of milk for your next purchase.
Chex Mix, Bugles, Gardettos or Chex 100 Calorie Snacks, or Cheerios Snack Mix, select varities, buy 5 bags and get $5 off your purchase. This happened to me, and I went to the Customer Service desk and they said they weren't sure why it didn't work, so they just gave me $5 in cash. There are 60c IP out there for Cheerios, and 50c Cheerios or Chex. Doubled makes theese good. I believe they were $2.69 each.
- There are a number of other IP coupons, and regular coupons out there for some good products that you may want, ie juice.
Oh and don't forget the Mac and Cheese that's 39c a box with in-store coupon, there is also a IP coupon out there for $1 off Kraft Mac&Cheese when you buy 1 Kraft Deluxe Mac&Cheese or 1 Velveeta Shells & Cheese.
There is also a coupon from last weeks paper for a FREE Doublemint juicy fruit, Wrigley's Spearmint, Big Red, or Winterfresh slim pack
I hope I did this right, if you have questions just let me know!
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