Seth after lunch
And Seth, being himself!
Inside one of the houses
There were a ton of doll houses, here is one we thought looked like a house from Gone with the Wind
They had a entire section of little people set up in a circus, it was huge
This is a puppet of me on my bad day
...and this is one of Seth!
Here are some tape worms in a bottle to help get rid of any thing!
I am going to get me some of this, baby in a bottle medicine!
This was a old advertisement of how to get rid of unwanted leg hairs! Painful!
Loved this little brand logo
This was kind of interesting, this was a picture of a family
This picture was the family in a frame of dolls that looked like the people
Very scary old dolls, and this place had tons of them!
There were these wizards telling us where to go, Seth was asking him
Another interesting space, very 70's
One of the cute little spaces in the House
Seth was standing in a hall way, trying to keep the walls falling in
Culvers was the nicest restaurant we could find
I was bored!